Spokane County EMS Protocols are available for download in PDF format.

We are now live with the Spokane County EMS custom-branded protocol app!! (Hyperlinks are supported now with the new app.) Existing users of the old app version will see that there is an update available to download. New users can go to https://www.acidremap.com and click on Spokane County under the Washington tab, or they can go to these links directly:
- Android: https://www.acidremap.com/customAppDownload.php?bundleID=PPPSpokaneCountyEMSProtocols&platform=android
- iOS: https://www.acidremap.com/customAppDownload.php?bundleID=PPPSpokaneCountyEMSProtocols&platform=iOS
- Website: https://www.acidremap.com/sites/Spokane
Due to Apple removing the App Store from iTunes, the iOS link will not enable them to download it from a desktop. It will work best from the iOS device itself. Included with the upgrade to the custom-branded app, there is also a hosted protocol website based on the same data in the app that will update automatically every time there is a content update. The link is: https://www.acidremap.com/sites/Spokane.
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